New Port International is always here for you.
Let’s build a better tomorrow with us.
We are Your Reliable Global Freight Forwarder!
Professional logistics experts have been providing
the most optimized logistics solutions for you.
" Your Mission is Our Passion! "
Partner with us and connect your business with the world.
" Don’t worry, Trust us! "
You'll experience competitive rates, safety, & reliable
on-time services.
"New Port International -Your only logistic partner!"
Let us help you move.
앞으로도 NEW PORT 만의 특화된 사업 분야를
지속 개발 및 발전시켜 고객 감동의 기업 문화를
선도할 것을 약속 드립니다.
Our vision is to be a 'global logistics leader' by devoting human resources & maintaining customer-first mindset.
우리 회사는 위험물, 작품, 생/동물, 군수물자, 의약품 등 다양한 경험을 가진 물류 전문가들로 구성되어 있으며, 풍부한 물류 지식을 기반으로 고객 여러분들께 최적의 물류 전략을 설계해 드릴 것을 약속 드립니다.